What NOT To Flush

What NOT To Flush

Here is a list of the top items that should never be disposed of via toilet:

  • Food – Food does not dissolve properly and will eventually cause blocked pipes.
  • Cotton Balls/Swabs – These items don’t dissolve and clump up and make it impossible for other waste to pass through your system.
  • Tissue, Napkins, and Paper Towels – These items are not designed to disintegrate so they will clog pipes.
  • Dental Floss and Hair – Tiny strands like these seem like they would flow right through piping, but neither hair nor floss are made of degradable material.  These strings can tangle up and stick to anything they pass in your sewage system, eventually creating large clogs.
  • Diapers and Baby Wipes – Products like this are designed to absorb moisture and messes.  They expand significantly, making it difficult to pass through pipes and sewers.  The same goes for feminine hygiene products.  When in doubt, use a trash can.
  • Animals – Dead or alive, animals will never fully disintegrate in water, even smaller animals like fish and lizards.
  • Dentures


If you are not sure if an item can be flushed, a simple rule is that all items that go down your toilet should be water-soluble, meaning they will dissolve in plain water.